We have had several unforeseen issues in the ground which we had to overcome before successfully handing over on 6th May. These included.
Throughout the construction phase the client required the continuous use of the existing dispatch bay and a portion of the service yard to allow vehicles to access.
We were also approached whilst on site with concerns regarding a section of the existing listed building adjoining our site, as some brickwork had fallen out inside.
After further investigation and advice from our structural engineer the building which was 19m high and adjacent a live road was deemed unsafe and in risk of collapse. Working on behalf of our client we liaised with Leeds Highways Dept for an emergency road closure, following this we had to demolish the building by hand and safely label and store the materials to re-build. We are currently working through the design process in tandem with our client and commencing works to re-build.
Nu are led by an experienced and competent senior team who involve eliminating problems on a non-confrontational and non-contractual basis. Their attitude to recognising the importance of good management with regards to Health & safety is very evident.